Ready to refresh and reset your home after the long winter? Doing a spring clean challenge can help you clear out the clutter in no time!
Spring is an ideal season to do some deep cleaning. During the winter months, it’s easy for clutter, dirt and dust to pile up. And the start of spring is a perfect time to breathe some fresh air into your home, literally and figuratively.
If you’ve never done a spring clean challenge before, you might have no clue where to start. But we’ve got some tips to help you knock out a 7-day spring cleaning challenge that will get your whole house looking sparkling fresh in no time!
You can do this spring cleaning challenge in seven consecutive days or spread it out over a few weeks if you don’t have enough time to do it all at once. Either way, working your way through this list of things to tidy up can leave you with a clean house just in time for spring!

The Busy Mom’s Cleaning Planner includes everything you need to create a realistic cleaning schedule and banish the mess for good!
It’s a must-have for any busy mom who’s overwhelmed by cleaning tasks!
Spring Clean Challenge Room by Room
Day 1 – Kitchen

For many families, the kitchen is the room they spend the most amount of time. And even if you’re doing daily clean-ups it can still get pretty grimy, since you’re likely spending a lot of time prepping and making meals there on a regular basis.
Adding these chores to your spring cleaning checklist can be a great way to kick off your 7-day challenge!
- Deep clean the garbage disposal using this simple hack.
- Use a degreaser or warm soapy water to wipe down kitchen cabinets and the wall or backsplash area behind the stove. You might need a small toothbrush or scrub brush to get into the cracks.
- Wipe out the microwave and clean the inside tray using more soap and warm water.
- Clear all the clutter off your counters and wipe them down thoroughly. As you replace items on the counter, declutter anything that doesn’t need to be there.
- Empty out your kitchen junk drawer (if you have one) and toss anything that you don’t need or plan to use.
- Sanitize any trash cans or recycling bins you keep in the kitchen.
Okay, that’s enough for the first day. Give yourself a high five for the progress you’ve made so far!
Day 2 – Kitchen
Today, we’re back in the kitchen. Now, you’re going to use some elbow grease to step up your cleaning efforts.
Here are the kitchen spring cleaning chores to tackle on day two.
- Empty out the refrigerator, throwing out any expired food. Deep clean the doors, drawers, shelves and trays, then do the same thing for the freezer.
- Deep clean the oven, including wiping down the oven racks and if you have removable burners, soak them in warm soapy water to degrease them.
- Degrease your oven range hood if you have one.
- Clean the dishwasher inside and out.
- Pull all the food out of your pantry or kitchen cabinets, tossing out expired items. Organize the pantry items you’re planning to keep as you put it back.
- Scrub the kitchen sink (a stainless steel scrubber works great) and thoroughly wipe down the faucet and handles, getting all the soapy gunk build up around the bases.
- Clean out the area under the sink.
Whew, that was a lot of work for a couple of days. But you’ve made it through day two and by now, you should have a shiny clean kitchen that’s ready for you to make your next homemade meal.
Day 3 – Living room
After the kitchen, the living room is another high-traffic area in many homes. It might be where you watch TV as a family, play board games or read to your kids. And they might use the living room as their personal play space if you keep certain toys there.
Here’s what you can do on day three of your spring clean challenge to get your living area in shape.
- Remove sofa and chair cushions and collect anything that’s gotten “lost”, like kids toys, loose change or that remote control you’ve been looking for the last week. Then vacuum out any crumbs, dust, hair or other debris that’s collected in the cracks.
- Wash curtains and give window sills, window tracks and window frames a good wipe down with a microfiber cloth.
- Wipe down the baseboards and crown molding if you have either one in your living room.
- Dust the TV and any other electronics and consumer using a simple caddy to round up remotes and controllers.
- Organize any kids toys that stay in the living room in their own storage areas using some cute toy bins.
- Wash throw blankets and pillowcases for throw pillows if you’re able to.
- Spot clean upholstered furniture or carpet stains that need treating.
- Wipe down the light switches and dust ceiling fans and light fixtures.
- Vacuum if you have carpeting or sweep and mop.
Pro tip: One of the best dusting hacks is the “top-down” approach. Start at the top of the walls and with ceiling fans, then dust your way down to the floor.

Day 4 – Bathrooms
Cleaning bathrooms is a chore any time of year as far as I’m concerned but it has to be done. And spring is the perfect time of year for a bathroom deep cleaning, especially if you have messy kids.
Here’s what to do next as you work your way through spring cleaning your entire home.
- Clean out the medicine cabinets in each bathroom and toss out expired beauty products. If you have prescription drugs to toss, you can contact your local police station to find out if there’s a drop-off spot for those.
- Deep clean the bathroom sink and the toilets. Use a Lysol wipe to deep clean in the cracks.
- Wipe down the shower curtain or replace it if it’s too mildewed to properly clean.
- Clean out towel closets or the linen closet and replace any towels that are too worn out to use anymore.
- Wash your bath mats.
- Clean mirrors, wipe down light switches and dust around door frames and window casings.
- Give the toothbrush holder, soap dish and any other accessories you keep on the bathroom counter a good scrubbing.
- Sanitize kids bath toys and toss anything that looks mildewed or moldy.
- Clean the shower head and scrub the tub.
- Clean out under the bathroom sink.
You’re more than halfway done! Now is a great time to look around and appreciate the clean home that you’re creating day by day.
Day 5 – Bedrooms
Bedrooms and bedroom closets can become catch-all spaces for clutter. Kids’ rooms can get especially messy if they’re not yet in the habit of picking up and putting away.
As you’re working your way through the entire house, don’t forget to add these deep cleaning chores to your bedroom cleaning list!
- Change out your winter bedding from last year and replace it with spring linens. Wash and dry winter bedding so it can be stored in the closet for next year.
- Clear off dresser tops or nightstands and toss any clutter. Go through your nightstand drawers and declutter those as well.
- Dust ceiling fans, light fixtures, door frames and window frames.
- Dust all the furniture and change the direction of the ceiling fan if needed.
- Go through your closet and dresser drawers and declutter any clothing you don’t wear anymore that you could donate or recycle.
- Vacuum or sweep and mop.
If you’re deep cleaning kids’ rooms, you can do all of those things but you might have a few more chores to consider.
For example, if toys are taking over the room you might consider starting a toy rotation. A toy rotation is a simple way to organize kids’ toys, books and games once you get it set up.

Day 6 – Laundry room
You’re almost down to the end of your spring clean challenge so now it’s time to focus on the laundry room. The good news is that the cleaning chores you’ll do here aren’t that much work!
- Deep clean the washing machine inside and out.
- Clean the dryer and vacuum out the lint trap and hose. (This vacuum attachment is a great way to clean your dryer!)
- Wipe down and organize any storage shelves or cabinets in your laundry area.
- Consider starting a laundry sorting system if you don’t have one yet. (These sorting bins are amazing!)
- Dust surfaces, including door frames and baseboards.
- Sweep and mop the floor.
Day 7 – Wrapping up
The last day of your spring clean challenge should be set aside for any deep cleaning that you didn’t do on days 1-6. Some of the different types of tasks you might add to your calendar include:
- Tidying up special areas in your home, like a sewing space if you have one or your kitchen command center.
- Deep cleaning your home office if you have one.
- Clearing out the coat closet or hall closet that’s packed with stuff.
- Replacing all the batteries in your smoke detectors or carbon monoxide detectors.
- Cleaning your outside trash bins or recycling bins.
- Decluttering any junk drawers you missed.
That’s it, you’re all done! Give yourself a big pat on the back for making it through the spring clean challenge.
Spring Clean Challenge Printable Checklist
Looking for a simple way to keep track of spring cleaning tasks? We’ve got a free checklist that you can use to create your own personal spring cleaning plan!
To get your free download just click on the image below to be taken to the Busy Mom Vault sign up page. Enter your info and the spring cleaning checklist is all yours!
Spring Cleaning Tips
Ready to get your clean on? These tips can help you make the most of your spring cleaning efforts with minimal stress!
Tip#1: Organize your supplies
The first thing to do when tackling a spring clean challenge is to make sure you have everything you need to clean. That can include:
- All purpose cleaner
- Glass cleaner (or if you prefer natural cleaners, a solution made of white vinegar and water)
- Paper towels
- A micro fiber cloth
- A mop, broom and vacuum cleaner
A good way to organize everything is to put it all in a cleaning caddy that you can carry from room to room.
Tip #2: Plan out your time
Some of the tasks on this spring cleaning list only take a little bit of time, others might take 1-2 hours or even longer.
As you plan out your 7 day cleaning challenge, think about how much time you can spend on cleaning each day. If you’ve already got a daily routine for cleaning, consider how you might be able to work in spring cleaning chores without having to add extra time.

The Organized Home course for busy moms can help! This course covers everything you need to know to get your house in order and stop stressing over the mess!
Tip #3: Break it down
If you’ve looked over this spring cleaning list and it seems like too much, try breaking it into smaller pieces.
For example, if you only have small portions of time throughout the day to dust, declutter and organize then just focus on doing what you can. Even if you have to go little by little, you’re still making progress.
Tip #4: Take a deep breath
Spring cleaning can be an overwhelming task especially if you have a lot of clutter to deal with and it’s your first time trying it.
If you’re facing a lot of work, just remind yourself that what you do now can help you get a clutter free home and make future cleanings less of a hassle.
Final thoughts on taking a spring clean challenge
Seven days of cleaning can make a huge difference if you’re able to look around at the end of it and see a clean house. Spring is a good time to get into deep cleaning mode but really, these are cleaning tasks that you can do any time during the year to keep your home looking shipshape. Getting into a daily cleaning routine can help you keep your home looking good all year long.
Need more cleaning tips? Read these posts next:
- 11 Brilliant Busy Mom Cleaning Hacks (Keep a Clean House With Messy Kids!)
- Weekly Cleaning Schedule for Busy Moms (Keep Your Home Clean With Simple 15-Minute Tasks!)
- Stay at Home Mom Cleaning Schedule: Simple Hacks to Keep Your House Clean